One on One Casting Instruction with The Fish Hawk crew
Fly-casting, the fundamental basics of getting the line, leader, and fly to the fish, is a core element of successful angling, but is oftentimes neglected. For beginners, casting instruction is truly a requirement. Simply put, we all can use some professional instruction. Just as a golfer seeks help from a resident pro, fly fishermen from the beginner to the advanced can benefit from an hour or two of casting analysis to help ‘tweak’ their stroke.
These hourly classes are not just for beginners. Many experienced anglers who have “hit a wall” and are stuck with a problem find that an hour can help clear that obstacle. Advanced techniques can also be introduced to intermediate fly casters. Once the cast is improved, students move onto the next part of the fly fishing equation, which is line control. An hour of instruction is a great (and fast) way to immediately see improvement on the water.
One person – $75 per hour
Additional persons – $35 per hour
Up to 6 students per group
One hour sessions recommended
Please call to set up a good time to get started!